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The lighting of our rooms is as natural for us today as the water is for the fish.

But does today's artificial light provide us with the necessary support for our vision and health?

That’s an essential question, because, after all, we consume 25% of our energy for the visual process, which also requires strong brain power.

Fact: When planning the lighting and then when using the light sources, unfortunately too little attention is paid to the quality of the light.

Where and how can the health and thus the performance of people and employees be optimally promoted by the targeted use of sunlight?

For their own benefit and also for the good of the companies for a healthy economic basis!

For these reasons, as an economic factor, it is indispensable to seek advice on the targeted use of very natural lighting with close-to-nature full spectrum lighting in order to achieve optimal lighting.

When Thomas Alva Edison invented the light bulb after years of research, awareness of healthy lighting was not there yet. Even then, and even earlier, in the dark season the rich drove to the south to soak up the sun and feel better. At the time nobody came to thinking of a sun-like artificial light. They just wanted artificial light to make day of the night and thus to extend the days or working days. That was already a huge step forward.

In the middle of the 20th century, the luminous efficacy was significantly improved with the help of the fluorescent tubes and the service life was considerably increased. After all, it was possible to reduce the energy requirement for lighting by three quarters. The product range of fluorescent lamps widened and there were soon energy-saving lamps with this energy-saving fluorescent technology. But even this technique has not approached the quality of sunlight. The light of the fluorescent lamps was miles away from the sun.

It was not until the early 1970s that some researchers in the US became aware of the importance of sunlight and its quality. Among the submarine riders, the days and weeks with a lack of sunlight on dive trips under artificial light were particularly noticeable. The first full spectrum tubes were developed and brought the hoped-for improvements.

Due to the higher costs, however, these sun-like lamps with the corresponding advantages for humans have spread only very hesitantly. At the turn of the millennium, the next development step in lighting technology came - LEDs became more efficient and could be used for lighting. A technology that works without mercury and produces its light very efficiently and long-lasting. But even with LED, manufacturers pay almost no attention to the quality of light. The LED lamps were and still are far from the natural model of the sun today. But with LED it is also possible to produce a near sun full spectrum light. Only a few companies, such as the company Vollspektrumlicht (full spectrum lighting) from Germany have dedicated themselves to this topic and made it their task to bring the full spectrum LED closer to the people and thus integrate them more in everyday life.

Due to their closeness to sunlight, the modern full spectrum lamps and full spectrum LEDs from also have similar supportive effects as the sun.

They bring sun-like light into people's working and living spaces.

The benefits

Full spectrum light, like the sun, has a revitalizing effect. With this very natural lighting, you increase the well-being of people in the rooms and counteract mood swings on cloudy days and even winter depressions. At the same time, full spectrum light improves eyesight. It makes reading easier, recognizing colors and is noticeably less fatiguing. This leads to better concentration. Being fit and alert for longer with a lower error rate are further expected positive effects.

If you consider the relatively low additional costs, you will be amazed by the actual costs. Long life, low energy consumption and more productivity, i.e. better results lead to a quick amortization of the acquisition costs. The additional cost of the full spectrum LED lamps, reduced to the useful life of at least 12 years, cause only a small annual cost of $5, which can safely be regarded as a very favorable insurance premium for the increase in productivity. This will meet the economic requirements in any case.

The pilot study of a sleep laboratory in Chicago [1] from 2014, focused on the effects of artificial light compared to daylight in the workplace. This discovered that lighting with the usual artificial light causes people a lack of sleep of 46 minutes a day, which is also noticeable in a drop in performance.

According to older studies from the USA [2] at schools in Florida, illumination with full spectrum light shows improved behavior, a clearly better willingness to learn and, ultimately, better learning success among the students. These positive effects can certainly be transferred to employees in companies and their quality of work.

In investigations in companies in Germany, one could achieve a higher productivity solely by the fact that one installed clearly brighter illumination (at that time still with fluorescent tubes) at the workplaces. The increased productivity has clearly outweighed the higher energy costs. If you take into account the even lower energy consumption and the significantly longer lifetime of LEDs today, and also the advantages of near sun full spectrum light, there is no reason to hesitate with the changeover.

The economic benefits are clear and can not be overlooked.

So many reasons that speak for a stronger use of high-quality lighting with full spectrum light or full spectrum LED. In the wake of increasing global pressure and also the increasingly fierce competition, this is certainly a decisive factor in order to be competitive.

Predestined and also easy to convert for the use of full spectrum lighting therefore are office and administration buildings, banks, IT areas, practices etc. Just all departments and areas in the companies and institutions, in which people do their work under artificial light. With full spectrum lighting they can create a better environment at their workplaces and thus facilitate life in mutual interest and support their health.

Healthier light → more well-being and health → satisfaction → better work results and more productivity

A clear win-win situation for everyone involved.

The same is true in the health and care sectors, retirement homes, schools, day-care centers, etc., where even in addition to the staff, the people being cared for benefit from the positive effects of the near sun light, i.e. even more benefits are generated.

But also in department stores, shops and shopping malls, museums the increased benefits are clear. More well-being for the people, natural lighting in the rooms, better vision, a natural display and presentation of the products and exhibits lead to better results and, incidentally, to happier people.

In summary, we can conclude that the conversion to health-promoting lighting with close-to-nature full spectrum lamps is a win-win situation for all concerned with a positive impact on the future. Let the experts advise you on healthy lighting - – Vollspektrumlicht (full spectrum light).

So many arguments therefore to get advice from the experts for healthy lighting without delay: contact us here.

Full spectrum light is undoubtedly the lighting of tomorrow. A reality that is not quite as well known today, but will be self-evident in the near future. The faster an entrepreneur benefits from it, the more successfully he will face the future.


^ [1] Impact of Windows and Daylight Exposure on Overall Health and Sleep Quality of Office Workers: A Case-Control Pilot Study
^ [2] Dr. Jacob Liberman, Book “Die heilende Kraft des Lichts” ISBN 3-502-19408-8